Visual studio code editor
Visual studio code editor

visual studio code editor

You can add many, but not all, of the features from more robust IDEs like Visual Studio through the extensions. This makes it speedier to run, but at the expense of a smaller feature set. The key word here being the "lightweight" aspect. Visual Studio Code - A lightweight, cross-platform, "code editor". but its purpose is very similar to Visual Studio on Windows. It too is a full IDE with robust enterprise level bells and whistles. Visual Studio for Mac (Mac) - a full IDE based on the old MonoDevelop. Thing is most of the features the VS Code doesn't have aren't really necessary in Unity. There are many features built into Visual Studio that VS Code does not have (either you have to set them up piece meal, or they don't exist period). Visual Studio (Windows) - a full IDE (integrated development environment) with robust enterprise level bells and whistles.

visual studio code editor

The names here are going to get confusing and your OS makes a big difference here

Visual studio code editor